The Court of Cambridgeshire

Cambridge is home to many Kithain, and is also the seat of Parliament for the Kingdom of Roses. A new experiment in a two house system with a House of Lords and a House of Commoners has resulted from the Civil War and the unsucessful bid of the Royalists (or at least Berwin Lindell's faction thereof for) power. The Kithain listed below are those whom the characters have encountered and got to know in the course of the chronicle - there are many others...

  • Edgar Whitestone, Lord High Protector of the Realm.
  • Raven, Black Troll and Chancellor of Cambridge.
  • Tom the Troll, Constitutional Politician and Scholar.
  • Matthew, Commodore of the Fleet.

    The Army of Cambridgeshire

    Because of their importance to the defence of the Realm, a brief note is here made of the troops fielded by Cambridge...

    The Cambridgeshire Regiment. Three battalions of fierce Troll pikemen (18 per battalion) who took terrible casualties during the Battle of Wandlebury. The First Battalion is commanded by Raven, the second by Tom, and the Third (Honour Guard) is commanded directly by Edgar and never leaves Cambridge where they ceremonially guard Parliament.

    The Cambridge Cavelry made up of twelve young but enthusiastic Sidhe knights, also fought at Wandlebury where they encountered light resistance from enemy cavalry but were routed after trying to pass through the woods to engage The Black Templars of Worcestershire.


    Parliament is held in the Chapel of King's College, Cambridge. A major trod to King's College Oxford opens in the crypt, and is regularly used by Kithain on political business.

    Other Trods

  • The James Trod which also has exits in Barnet and in the grounds of Eton opens in to our world in a wardrobe in M.R.James' old rooms here, and was travelled by the characters during the first story. It's existence was previously forgotten.

  • The Lethbridge Trod is known to emerge at Wandlebury Ring Hillfort on the figures of Gog and Magog. It was forgotten until the Dan led the characters here during the Civil War, and was the route used by the invading Royalist army prior to the Battle of Wandlebury.

    Last updated: 20th May, 2000.