The Cast of Three Crowns

The player characters in the game are, in order of appearance:-

(if players would like to write their own biographies I'll replace these with a longer and more interesting version if you e-mail it to me).

Sir Math ap Eiluned; a noble Sidhe or faerie warrior, belonging to the house of secrets, and exiled from Arcadia, forced to take refuge in our world where he pretends to be a mortal student of folklore at Devizes College. rides a motorbike, wears plate armour, carries the sword Terminus Est, noble, handsome, heroic. One of the two who made it through the nightmare seas to close the gate and end the nightmare incursion. Has subsequently been on many adventures and following the Battle of Glastonbury became Count of Essex, ruler of the court known as The Coven.
(played by Q)

Tony Rockheart, troll warrior; honourable and loyal yet framed for a crime he did not commit Tony was exiled from the Isle of Wight, and despite being totally loyal trustworthy and solid as a rock has encountered nothing but trouble since thumbing a lift with a student on a motorbike, who turned out to be Math ap Eiluned. He played an important part in saving the realm of West Suffolk from a nightmare incursion, and is a heroic warrior. He was accidentally mixed up in the murder of a mortal (of which he is innocent) but the Police are looking for someone fitting his description (easy owing to his slipped seeming and surreal quality - there aren't that many 7' tall muscular guys with a blue tan around!.

Despite his fabled Luck he always suffered misfortune; while taking part on the defeat of the chimera of Matthew Hopkins he was once again accused of a crime he didn't commit, but managed to escape police custody with the help of Iain the Pooka. He then decided to return to the Isle of Wight and clear his name, or die in the attempt!
(Played by Chris Dillon, June 1999-December 1999.)

Iain the Pooka; a cat pooka, playful, mischievous, almost completely inacapable of telling the truth. In his mortal guise a circus performer, he struck out on his own and bumped into the other two in Woolpit, Suffolk. Ian has a knack of saving the day, travelling back to the wrong time and generally being in trouble. A colourful, deceitful character. Iain is one of the three original members of the cast, and has been central to every story so far in some way or another. He is associated with tunnel cave ins, following an incident in a previous life, and was abducted by a noble in the Court of Dudley in a political powerplay before being abducted from that captivity and almost sacrificed by a group of Thallain. Following this and other adventures his pooka form changed permanently from that of a domestic cat to that of a wild cat and he has perfomed great oaths before the Dreaming.

Iain is currently affiliated to both the Court of Essex and the Court of West Suffolk, despite no interest in politics! He was knighted by Lady Isobel of Suffolk for his services to the realm and is a member of House Scathach.
(played by Johnathan Elcock)

Jchad the Squire, Redcap; was a very rare thing, a seelie and honourable redcap. Was squired for his services in the awkward matter of Sir Hermes Hatrick's almost wedding, and the subsequent battle for the county against the nightmare realm. A strong warrior, but best known for his reckless driving and capacity to eat absolutely anything...

He is the lover of Iyena the Sluagh, ironic considering he was squired for his services in preventing a Sluagh marriage, and has recently passionately embraced the Unseelie path, which makes other Kithain regard him as no more than another Redcap thug.

One thing does make him stand out; omens seemto indicate that he is in in some sense the reincarnation of king Arthur, and he was knighted by a strange figure who appeared to be Gwydion, noble founder of that house. This causes Jchad immense disgust as he hates that House with a passion - in fact a dream seemed to reveal that House Gwydion once bound him in chains and thrust him into a foul prison of fire in the Dreaming...

He accepted the leadership of the Parliamentary Army at the Battle of Wandlebury but has little interest in politics and has totally rejected the 'Arthur' idea. In fact this may have been one of the influences on him becoming so unseelie!
(played by Chris Hale)

Hillie the Saytyr; a goat in every respect, she lives to party, and party she does. Normally drunk and or trying to seduce some of the party, best remembered for endless affairs and for the wake she organised at The Grapes after Grot the Troll was killed in the raid on the Nightmare Court. Was involved in part of the first, and all of the second and third stories, but dropped out in story four The Matter of England.
(played by Amanda, July - October 1999)

Epiphany the Boggan Epiphany is a young lady who is renowned for her common sense and down to earth charm; she lives for cooking, housework, and tidying the untidy. She drives a beaten up Volvo estate, lives in a cottgae near Lavenham and makes a living as a cleaner, while also being importasnt (as an unpaid domestic) in the Court of West Suffolk. Recently she has come to crave adventure, but after the trip down the Unknown Trod is probably regretting it! Played in stories 2-present, though intermittently - my own character.

Epiphany is capable of terrible rages when she goes unseelie, which is very rare, and more like a temper tantrum than a permanent philosophical switch. She defeated an Ogre in the catacombs beneath Dudley and downed an Unseelie Troll in the raid on the Shadow Court at Nottingham, proving herself a capable warrior, which surprises the others who patronise her (apart from Jchad who tries to eat her!).
(played by CJ and from time to time looked after by Sheena)

Iyena Tolstoi, the Sluagh; a pretty gothicky girly with bedraggled moth's wings, Iyena is to mortals a rather goth owner of a second hand bookshop in Long Melford. She never raises her voice above a whisper; but then unlike everyone else in the party, she can fly, and she proved very useful when were lost in a huge labyrinth somewhere in the Far Dreaming. Iyena only came to West Suffolk after the first story, and has been a regular part of the story and Oath Circle ever since. There is an ongoing romantic subplot involving Jchad and Iyena.

Iyena proved her ability taking out Royalist flying machines at the Battle of Wandlebury. After falling in love with JChad they both changed their voile - she wears St Trinian's (the Ronald Searle cartoons from the books, not the films) gear and carries a hockey stick.
(played by Rob Smith)

Marvin Winklestein, a Nocker, who joined the party in Mistley in Essex at the end of The Matter of England and who has been an important part of the group ever since.
(played by Emily).

David Xavier, Eshu wandered in to the groups lives through a trod, took part in the raid on the Shadow Court at Dudley and the rescue of Hillie, and wandered off again. Typical Eshu!
(played by Lee)

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Last updated: 19th May, 2000.