Countess Isobel

Countess Isobel aka Lady Amelia.

Court: Seelie Legacies:Regent/Ringleader Kith:Sidhe
Sex: Female Age: 19 House:Scathach
Staunch modernist, ruler of the Court of Bury.
Physical Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2.

Social Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 7 (unearthly beauty)

Mental Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 2.

Talents: Alertness 1, Brawl 1, Dodge 2, Intimidation subjects 4, Kenning 2, Subterfuge 2.
Skills: Crafts painting4, Drive 2, Etiquette 3, Firearms 1, Leadership 3, Melee 3 (+1 dice:Scathach), Performance 1, Stealth 1 (-1 difficulty:Scathach), Ride 2.
Knowledges: Law 1, Linguistics 1, Lore (Scathach) 1, Politics 2, Science 1, Local History 3.

Arts: Wayfare 1, Primal 1, Soothsay 1 Realms Fae 2, Actor 2, Nature 1 (aff), Prop 2, Scene 2
Glamour: 5 Willpower:4 Banality:5
Backgrounds:Title 4 (Countess), Chimera 5 (Wolf pack), Contacts 2(mundane royalty), Resources 4, Holdings 5 (W.Suffolk).

In the mortal world Lady Amelia is one of Britain's last dilletantes; a hereditary aristocrat with close connections with royalty. She is 19 years old, and lives in a flat in a rambling Georgian house which makes up part of the West front of the old Abbey, just across from her court in the Norman Tower. (The rest of the house is filled with shadows and spiders; it contains beautiful antique furniture covered in dust sheets, though one room is used - it is the realm's library.) To the rear of her house is a large rose garden; recently the red and white roses have been intermingling, and now strange black roses have begun to bloom.

Isobel could even in mortal form grace the cover of Harpers and Queens, Figaro or Paris Match. She is so achingly astoundingly beautiful, and in Sidhe form she is certainly one of the most beautiful Kithain who has ever lived. She normally dresses down in stonewash jeans, grey trainers and a white or grey teeshirt, though she sometimes wears elegantly cut dresses in grey or white. She has ash blond hair cut in a stylish bob, large grey eyes and in Sidhe mode her voile resembles the ultra elegant look of the 1930's, (her last youth), where she regularly outclassed the Duchess of Devonshire as the most beautiful woman in the world!

Her eyes while attractive have one strange feature; at times they appear to be those of an old woman, lost to senility, as se gazes out at the world. She has had one recent near bedlam experience, and she is definitely at tomes close to the edge.

Sharp, headstrong and arrogant, she resembles at times the Queen of hearts from Alice in Wonderland - 'Off with their heads!'

Last updated:
19th May 2000