Cybele aka Janice
Court: Unseelie Legacies:Hermit/Savage Kith:Troll
Sex: Female Age: 17
Sworn warrior of Count Math ap Eiluned, Count of Essex
Physical Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3.
Social Charisma 2, Manipulation 4 causing fear, Appearance 4 (intimidating men
Mental Perception 2, Intelligence 2, Wits 2.
Talents: Alertness 2, Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Dodge 3, Intimidation 4 (men), Kenning 1, Streetwise 1,
Skills:Drive 1, Etiquette 2, Firearms 1, Leadership 1, Melee 4 (ambush) +1 dice, Stealth 2 (-1 diff), Survival 1, Ride 2.
Knowledges: Enigmas 1, Investigation 2, Law 1, Medicine 1, Science 1.
Arts: Primal 3 Realms Fae 2, Actor 2, Nature 2.
Glamour: 4 Willpower:4 Banality:3
Merits and Flaws: None known to characters.
Backgrounds:Chimera 5
Notes: Cybele is the closest to the Kithain of Roses stereotype of what a member of the Coven (The Court of Essex) is like. Dressed in chimerical Sidhe plate of midnight blue, she carries a black bastard sword with deeply incised runes. Drak rumours circulate around the court and Sluagh High Teas as to the true nature of that weapon, which was not part of her original voile.
Cybele is an oddity; she professes to despise men and Sidhe, yet is a Sidhe, despite her protests that she is truly a Commoner. Her allegiance to House Scathach is strong, and she dresses in both mortal and kithain garb of shades of grey.
She is sworn to vengeance, that much is clear, yet none knows how she washurt or who the target of her burning hatred truly is. Many suspect her of having ahd a hand in the death of the previous Countess at the Battle of Wandlebury, but there is no clear evidence. She rarely speaks to the Court, and only ever really talks to Diana outside of formal Courts.
She has happily embraced the reinstitution of the Seelie/Unseelie cycle by Math, and following her defeat in a duel by Iain has come to regard him as almost a friend; she has sworn loyalty to Sir Math, but confides in noone, not even her closest friend, Diana.
In the Mortal world Janice is an 'A' Level student at Manningtree Sixth Form College studying Law, Biology and Chemistry. She plans to join the police force after university.
Last updated:
19th May, 2000