At first I assumed that it must be J., checking on our progress but that illusion was shattered instantly when Jones told us that it had been Prudence, the erstwhile witch and faerie princess. Apparently the mysterious woman had made us an offer – come to meet her and she would tell us something to our advantage. Naturally we were suspicious of anything that this shadowy figure might offer but, believing that we now held all the cards, agreed to meet with her. Prudence suggested a small patch of lakeside woodland adjoining one of the town's colleges.
After a further short journey through the darkness we drew up in a nearly abandoned car park close to the college in question, disembarking from our convoy of cars we quickly made our way towards the meeting place.
The path we took skirted the edge of a dark lake, overhung by the branches of trees. Although the sounds of the city could be hear softly in the distance the area all around us was silent . . . unnervingly so. With every ripple and splash I found myself glancing out across the dark waters, seeking out some hidden marauder, perhaps obscured by the waters of the lake. Looking at my companions I could see that the others were also on edge, each in his own way. Gabriel, like myself, continually peered into the surrounding darkness, searching out the horrors that might be lurking there, Jones, Biggles and Hammer by contrast, had adopted the role of soldiers in hostile territory, using all available cover for protection with their sweat-soaked palms caressing the guns in their pockets. Alarmingly, as I look about, I could see no sign of Mortimer, the learned occultist had apparently gone alone into the dark trees that grew in tight clusters off the main path.

As our path wound away from the lake we stumbled across the witch Prudence, surrounded by candles, blocking the way ahead. No sooner had we taken this in than I noticed the lithe figures of the Fey emerging silently from the nearby undergrowth. Remembering the dread warnings concerning those who encountered the Fair Folk for a second time, I was terrified. I backed away from those blank faced figures, hastily attempting to create knots to distract them. Unfortunately there was nowhere to retreat for Prudence and her candles lay in the other direction.