Led by the efficient Mr J. we departed the Queens. Our first stop was the safe house
on [DELETED FOE SECURITY REASONS] Road, which would act as our ‘home base’ for the rest of the mission. On the way I quizzed Fox on his role and was somewhat gratified to learn that he at least was a professional, who normally worked for one of the nation’s more regular intelligence
organisations. I gathered that he was a little ‘miffed’ at having been dragged away
from sunny climes of the south of France for the bracing winter air of Cheltenham.

When we arrived at our destination we found that it boasted all the facilities necessary
for the task, namely a sizeable library and a powerful mainframe computer with
immediate access to the World Wide Web. The Cell was introduced to Agent Scott,
Baines’ partner who was to assist us during the operation. She seemed capable but a
little distracted – I took this to be grief at the death of Baines. Mr J. then issued
firearms to the team, explaining that, as this was primarily a surveillance operation,
they were not to be used except in the most exceptional situations. Furthermore, to
avoid entanglements with the local authorities the standard codeword TOYS should be
used when referring to them. Henceforth, when confronted with moments of physical
danger it became common practice to send for the TOYmen (Jones and Fox). The
basic operational rules having been outlined Mr Johnson took us to one of Cheltenham’s
prestigious higher education facilities, apparently the security services made use of it as
an inconspicuous base on rare occasions. Tight security was in force on the site and we
had to pass through a number of security checks, including an encounter with an
efficient but officious guard who delayed us momentarily.
All material on these pages relates to fictional situations, characters and organisations,part of an ongoing murder mystery type adventure game, and in no way reflects any real interest or belief in the paranormal, espionage, etc, etc. It's just a game chaps!
Last Updated:26th March 2000