Plans and Plots
In the corner of the large local eating-house we examined the documents which Mr J.
had provided us with and laid our plans. The files indicated that West would be at work
at the Gilman Institute until seven, a fact which would allow us time to break into his
rooms before he returned. There should also be time to get to the Gilman Foundation
in time to follow him when he left work. It was also felt that we needed to know more
about the Church of the Inner Light and their strangely scheduled meeting would
provide the perfect opportunity to discover the nature of the group and Lux’s role within

It seemed logical to split into two groups, one to handle the break–in at West’s and the
other to infiltrate this increasingly sinister cult.
Given the allegedly New Age nature of the Inner Light it seemed logical that Billy be the
one to infiltrate their meeting. Unfortunately whatever it was he saw when he ‘sensed’
the body still had him seriously upset and more than a little frightened. He would only
agree to go in if he had company and this would logically be provided by Patrick, the
two of them having been thick as thieves throughout the day so far. The jittery Billy
was still not reassured so it was decided that Agent Jones should wait outside the
meeting place, ready to leap to their assistance should anything go seriously wrong.
That left Agent Fox and I to deal with the break-in and the tailing of West. In order to
balance out the teams Agent Scott agreed to assist us. It was clear that with my skill at
electronics and Fox’s array of intelligence techniques we should have had what it took
to get the job done.
As the Inner Light meeting was taking place quite close to the hostelry Patrick, Billy and
Jones remained there. Meanwhile Karl, Heather and I made our way back to the safe
house to pick up the pool car which had been issued to Fox and collect the first aid kit
which had been provided.
Before we set out for West’s apartment I made use of the computer at ‘base’ to check
out West and the Gilman Foundation. It was obvious that we wouldn’t find anything on
either on official Website so I made a quick check of ‘conspiracy theorist’ ‘sites. I could
find nothing on West but mention was made of links between the Gilman Foundation
and the CIA’s Project Candlelight, a covert project dedicated to the development and
exploitation of psychic abilities. In view of what had already occurred a very disturbing
pattern was beginning to appear.
The Church of the Inner Light
While Fox, Scott and I did our work amid the shadows the others made their way to the
meeting of the Church of the Inner Light. Their plan was for Patrick and Billy to attend
the cult meeting in the guise of interested newcomers while Jones remained outside,
ready to rush in and help or make a quick getaway as the situation required.
The two Irishmen arrived fashionably late at the ‘Church’ meeting, which was also
located on the college campus. On entering they found a group of cultists, including
the chief suspect, Sebastian Lux, and West’s girlfriend, Miss Nichols. There were four
others, two of whom appeared to be regulars. Lux came across as a quiet, reasonable
individual who led his group of followers through a combination of charisma and sheer
force of will.
Billy used his psychic gifts to investigate the other cultists, learning that one of the
regulars had a dark aura that indicated a terrible history of abusing the innocent and
other such foul acts. Nichols was also interesting for Billy could sense in her a kindred
spirit – a young lady possessed of psychic gifts similar to his own. Unfortunately her
aura was also twisted and bore the marks of recent corruption and deviance –
indications that would become clearer when we knew more of her history.
The two Agents listened as Lux expounded the philosophy of his Church, explaining that
they believed in total freedom. It quickly became clear to my colleagues that this
meant not merely personal or political freedom but total freedom from the constraints
enforced by society and the morality of the common man. The investigators could tell
that the seductive lure of this code, combined with church leader’s own sinister
presence created followers who were dedicated to this later day Mephistopheles.

At this juncture Lux asked if the two agents would like to take place in one of the cult’s
meditations, which involved the use of what appeared to be New Age crystals. Both
men were distinctly wary of Lux’s invitation and politely refused, asking if they could
watch instead. As the meditation went on Billy could detect the flow of precious soul
energy leaching out of the Church’s initiates and into the crystals, a sight which
disturbed the psychic considerably.
After the meditation the Church meeting wound down but Lux extended an invitation to
the agents to join, informing them that the Inner Light already had branches all over
Europe. After that he departed and the Irishman lost sight of him. Sergeant Jones saw
him as he entered the college car park but the ‘rock ape’ could do nothing, he had no
gun and couldn’t leave before joining up with Patrick and Billy.