Mr Johnson
Our briefing officer awaited us in the bar, where drinks were purchased by those with a
mood to partake. Mr Johnson (or Mr J as he would otherwise be known) cut an
imposing figure, tall and lean with a neatly trimmed beard and metal–rimmed glasses.
He awaited our arrival at a small corner table and sat with his back to the wall, a habit
gained from years in the field I have no doubt. As we sat down and arranged ourselves
he introduced himself as Mr Johnson (or Mr. J) and handed out our identity cards. After
a brief exchange of pleasantries he then provided us with a brief summary of the

We had been summoned to Cheltenham to clear up discrepancies which had arisen in
the routine security vetting of one Alec West, a high-ranking scientist at the Gilman
Foundation, a local research institute which did a good deal of classified research. In
the course of the vetting a possible link was established between West and the
mysterious leader of a local religious cult, the Church of the Inner Light, one Sebastian
Lux. Two operatives from another agency, Agents Scott and Baines, were assigned to
carry out a routine surveillance on Lux. This routine operation became anything but
when Baines died in unusual circumstances while following the cult head. Our task was
to discover what happened to Baines, what the link between West and Lux was and if
Lux had compromised the security of the Gilman Foundation. Mr J warned us that the
work carried out at the Foundation was of a highly sensitive nature, so sensitive that we
were to make no inquiries about it and were to report anything we learnt to him
immediately. The rest of the briefing would have to wait until we reached a more
secure location.
All material on these pages relates to fictional situations, characters and organisations,part of an ongoing murder mystery type adventure game, and in no way reflects any real interest or belief in the paranormal, espionage, etc, etc. It's just a game chaps!
Last Updated:26th March 2000