The Court of West Suffolk

  • Countess Isobel, Ruler of West Suffolk.
  • Flyside the Herald.
  • Owain the Squire of Sir Roderick.
  • Taliesyn the Outlawed Eiluned Prophet.
  • Baron Clavius, Chancellor of West Suffolk.
  • Sir Roderick, Master of the Hounds.
  • Weasel, Court Jester.
  • Aurelius the Saytyr.
  • Sir Gawaine of Fiona.
  • Sir Hermes 'Hatrick' of Eiluned, Court Seer.
  • Strawberry the Steward, Childling.
  • Bill The Butler, who once was a Nocker.
  • Elspeth Skitterweb, Court Librarian.
  • Martha of the Sisters of Shadows.
  • Magdalena of the Sisters of Shadows.
  • The Spiderkin, Chimerical Servants of The Sisters of The Shadows.
  • Slash who was with the Abbott's Men.
  • Beodricswulf, Chimerical Guardian of the Town.
  • Lars, Acting Captain of the Troll Guard.
  • Axel, Troll Guard.
  • Cornelius, Troll Guard.
  • The Wolf Pack, Chimerical Hounds.

    Stats for Epiphany are also available, though she is technically a member of the cast!, she also owes allegiance to the court at St. Edmundsbury.

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    Last updated: 19th May 2000